There are dozens of reasons for building a home and a guest home in your backyard is no exception to that statement. Whether you have a family who needs a place to stay or you want the space for frequent visitors, having a backyard guest home can be a great way to expand your home’s living space without adding on to your existing home. Gerard Construction has a few tips to consider before you break ground.
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You love the home you are in, maybe for the location, maybe for the nostalgia, or maybe for other reasons. You need some tweaks and adjustments though and you have some great ideas for turning the place you are in to the space you love.
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Building a home for your family will be an exciting endeavor. Your floor plan will be personal for your own needs and it’s more than counting your ideal number of kids and planning on that bedroom plus one for mom and dad.
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While your forever home dreams may have changed in adulthood, although the lazy river still feels pretty appealing, there are probably features and must haves that you haven’t considered. Gerard Construction has a few ideas to think about as you make your plans.
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We think our area gets a bad reputation during the summer months. Yes, the temperatures and humidity are oppressively hot, but thinking about the rest of the year, we truly have the benefit of numerous months to enjoy the great outdoors and the perfect patios in our own homes.
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You love your home… almost. Or you could love your home… if these changes were made. We understand having an attachment to a home or location that simply outweighs any other benefits to moving.
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Whether you need a new roof due to recent storms that have raced through the region or your home is simply due for a replacement, there is a lot to know.
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Home renovations can be stressful to think about, even on a small scale. When that home renovation involves most of your space, it can be an even bigger stress. We don’t shy away from that stress, in fact Gerard Construction makes a living from building and renovating homes.
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Like it or not, another summer is upon us. While you may be looking forward to pool fun with the kiddos or that long awaited trip to the beach, none of us can hide from the fact that we dread the increase in energy bills along with simply trying to stay cooler in the approaching months. There are ways you can adjust to keep your house cool this summer with your friends at Gerard Construction. Thermostat help. Your thermostat can be your friend during the summer in more ways than just turni...
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The needs we have from our home can change in the blink of an eye. An unexpected pregnancy may mean needing an extra bedroom, or two! New hobbies may mean additional space needed for accommodating the stuff that goes with them. Sometimes our wishes and desires for a home can warrant thinking about the future and what we want from our space. If we already have a home it may not be so much what we want or need from the home, but how to get it. Trying to decide between a home renovation or buying n...
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