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4 Things to Consider When Building a Guest Home

There may be a number of reasons you want to build a guest home on your property. Maybe you are looking for extra income with people who are vacationing in the region. Maybe you are looking for extra income for a long term rental. Maybe you have an extended family member that needs a place to stay, but wants a little independence and space. Whatever the reason you have for building a guest home, Gerard Construction has a few things to consider.


The reason behind building your guest home will be a huge factor early on in the planning process. A vacation style rental space may look very different from an extra space for elderly parents. By considering what the purpose is for the space, at least in the immediate years, you can decide what layout, features, and scale you are wanting from this space.


Where you put your guest home will be important for your guests and for you. Decide now whether you want the guest space close to your main house or further apart and more isolated, if your property allows. Decide where you want the entrance and main windows, depending on your own home, views, and other features. Planning the driveway and parking spots will need to be considered as well.


How you want to design this space will vary greatly on the purpose of your guest home. A rental property will need to take the tastes and preferences of potential guests into consideration. While some themes are appropriate for certain properties, a cleaner and more classically styled space can be more visually appealing for interested guests or tenants. You will also be able to maintain the space for longer without having to redesign. Keeping the design simple will also make it easier to clean if you are looking at vacation space or a space where guests come and go after short periods of time. For a more permanent guest space, you can tailor the aesthetics a little more.

Price and Permits

While a guest home can be less costly than a full home build, that is mainly because of the smaller footprint and not because costs are less. cites $150 to $250 per square foot as an average cost although $400 per square foot is not completely unheard of. Your prices may increase depending on accessibility and customization. You will also need to consider your permits and where you can and cannot build on your property. This will be different permissions from county to county and whether you are looking to rent your guest home or add in family members.

If you are interested in ideas for building a guest home, contact Gerard Construction today. We have ideas to help you start your plan and can help you choose the best location for your purpose. Our expert team will take you every step of the way to welcome guests to your property.


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