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Common Home Renovation Myths

When your home is almost perfect, you may wonder whether a renovation is the right choice for you. If you have started to wonder, it may not be long before you ask around for some tips and tricks about home renovations. From there, it is only a matter of time before the myths start circulating. Gerard Construction is here to debunk those myths and set you on the right track!

Step On a Crack

While homeowners are trained to worry about cracks, there are some that are merely aesthetic eyesores that are part of your home settling. Bob Villa states they “are fairly common in both new and older homes and are often the result of normal house “settling” that can quickly, inexpensively be remedied by re-taping the joints”. If the crack in the wall is discolored or large and runs diagonally, you will need to get a consultant to evaluate what is going on with the cracks in your wall. Hairline cracks in concrete floors or foundation can be due to similar settling and may not be a huge concern. 

Go Big or Go Home

You may already be home, but you get the sentiment. Often, renovations are viewed as a get as much done as possible job and throw a big investment at a job. This can be a dangerous myth in a lot of ways. For starters, it may prevent you from making adjustments over time that will add incrementally to your enjoyment of your own home. What’s more, not every big project is worth the investment in return. If you throw money at something the next buyer doesn’t see as valuable, like a home gym or roof repairs that need to be completed, you may not feel like the “go big” was worth it. Start with a priority list and consider what return would make it worth it for you. Gerard Construction can help with some planning. 

DIY Saves Money

Little repairs are great for a homeowner who has time on the weekends and wants to feel pride in their home. Bigger renovations should be left to our team of professionals and contractors however. Taking on a big renovation or something you have no experience in can lead to costly repairs and a need to call in the experts once the damage is already done. We can start efficiently from the beginning and make your space exactly what it needs to be. 

Pool Your Money

If you want to invest money into a pool, balance out the enjoyment you want in the years to come with the return on investment. Some future homeowners may not want a pool due to the maintenance or safety concerns and would reject your home on the market or not be willing to pay the premium price. Others may actively seek out this feature, but will balk when they see comps without a pool. Consider the pool something you want for yourself and decide if it is worth the money when working on making your house a home. 

To start your renovation with Gerard Construction or to start inquiring which of your dream list tasks is the best jumping off point, contact us today. We can help answer your questions, make a plan, and work to design the best renovation for your home.


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