
Gerard Construction Blog

Archive by month: 2024-5Return
Home renovations can be stressful to think about, even on a small scale. When that home renovation involves most of your space, it can be an even bigger stress. We don’t shy away from that stress, in fact Gerard Construction makes a living from building and renovating homes.
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3 Ways to Keep Your House Cool this Summer

21 May, 2024 | Home Maintenance | View Counts (170)
Like it or not, another summer is upon us. While you may be looking forward to pool fun with the kiddos or that long awaited trip to the beach, none of us can hide from the fact that we dread the increase in energy bills along with simply trying to stay cooler in the approaching months. There are ways you can adjust to keep your house cool this summer with your friends at Gerard Construction.  Thermostat help. Your thermostat can be your friend during the summer in more ways than just turni...
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