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It is always fun to start completely from scratch on a home building project. By “from scratch” we mean all the way at the beginning with clients who are interested in purchasing a piece of land to build their home on. Gerard Construction is uniquely poised to help in these types of ventures because of the banking and financial background of one of our founders. There are a few key pieces of information you should know before we start signing the deeds for your new property.
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Building a home involves much more than choosing a style, a few building materials, and deciding on the number of bedrooms. In fact, it is a very involved process that can take months before the first physical steps are even taken. Gerard Construction has several recommendations for ways to prepare and plan for the building of your new home.
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18 Jul, 2019
College Station,
Gerard Construction,
New Construction,
Custom Homes,
Designing Own Home |
Homebuilding Tips & Tricks |
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It is largely agreed that homes should be personal and unique to the people who live within them, but all too often, prospective homeowners are forced into settling for a home that could work. Settling for function or “good enough” is not necessary and can be avoided completely with designing a home that fits you. There are numerous advantages to designing and building a home with your unique needs and tastes in mind.
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We're excited to announce the launch of our new website for Gerard Construction! In an effort to provide our clients with a variety of ideas and looks we have implemented many new features including a Project Gallery as well as a Blog.
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