
Gerard Construction Blog

Archive by tag: insulationReturn
Energy efficiency is no longer enough for most homebuilders or renovators. By following these tips by Gerard Construction, you can build an energy-efficient home that will save you money on your energy bills and reduce your environmental impact.
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Why Is Insulation Important?

23 May, 2023 | Insulation | Homebuilding Tips & Tricks | View Counts (301)
While decisions regarding insulation aren't glamorous ones, they are beyond necessary. Our team at Gerard Construction has gathered some insight on insulation for those going through the homebuilding process in order to make an informed decision.
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When you are building a home or doing a remodel with Gerard Construction, we will walk you through parts of the construction process you never really thought about. While you may have Pinterest boards filled with cabinet hardware, wall colors, and your favorite types of flooring, we doubt there is much about which type of insulation you prefer.
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