
Gerard Construction Blog

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Maybe you aren’t quite ready for a full renovation with Gerard Construction, but your kitchen or bathroom is in desperate need for a face lift. Our team has a few ideas for what you can do to upgrade your cabinets on a long weekend, or you can call in our contractor team to help. These ideas can be as budget friendly or as invested as you want and can provide good insight to what you may want our team to build for you in the long run.
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You have the perfect location, the perfect neighbors, and the perfect piece of property, but the home you are living in just isn’t right. It needs more. More storage, more updating, and more space. Rather than trying to find a new perfect, a remodel may be in order. Gerard Construction can help turn your less than perfect home into your dream home, with some considerations in mind.
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When trying to decide where to allocate budget for remodeling and renovation, the laundry room is often an overlooked part of your home. However, with a few simple tweaks and adjustments, with the help of Gerard Construction, this small room can make a mighty impact on the functionality of your entire home.
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FAQ: Custom Cabinets

24 Jan, 2020 | Cabinets, Custom Cabinets, Cabinetry | Interior Design & Décor | View Counts (2696)
When designing a home or rehabbing your space, an overlooked portion can be the different aspects that go into choosing and designing your actual cabinetry. At Gerard Construction, we love discussing the individual details that will make a house we build into your home. Here are a few questions to consider ahead of time.
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