When you encounter someone building a home, after the usual questions along the lines of “How is it going?” many turn to whom the contractor or company building the home may be. There is always consideration between custom building and working to make your home entirely yours versus using the assistance of a Prebuilt home and plan. There are advantages and disadvantages to both which should be weighed carefully.
Custom Pros
When you custom build a home, the custom build portion of that term can vary greatly. For our purposes, we mean everything is custom, from architectural plans to building supplies to finishing touches; your home has been specifically designed and created for you. Custom builds can be centered on every wish you’ve ever wanted for your home. Secret doors, extra cabinet space, heated floors, an extra foot here, an additional light there, all are possible with a custom build. Homeowners can truly tailor their home around their personality and needs. Additionally, in a custom build, homeowners can feel like they are a large part of the process because their input will be instrumental to the creation of their home.
Custom Cons
A custom build has some drawbacks alongside the advantages. They frequently take longer from the planning process to the final walk-through, for the simple fact that the crews aren’t used to doing everything the same as in Pre Built homes. The crew has to learn and adapt as issues arise which impacts the projected timeline. Also, as adjustments are needed, those shifts may take time to figure out rather than relying on the past for troubleshooting. Custom-built homes can be costlier, although this is not always the case. Part of the reasoning behind the additional cost comes from materials needing to be purchased for a single build rather than purchasing in bulk for several homes. Further, homeowners may find it more difficult to stay within their budget if they are looking to use every idea they have. Moneycrashers.com advises homeowners to pad their projected budget by 10% for incidentals, price increases, and extras not originally thought of.
Prebuilt Pros
Prebuilt Homes are a great option for someone unfamiliar with the building process or even a newer homeowner who has never lived in their own home before. Some time to discover what they do and don’t like about a home may be beneficial before they custom build themselves. Many Pre Built plans have some customization that can be provided so homeowners feel they have a say in aspects of their home. Prebuilt homes also have the advantage of usually having models or similar homes a potential buyer can walk around to view, giving dimension and reality to a floor plan, allowing a better sense of what their home may look like.
Prebuilt Cons
Prebuilt homes often tend to follow trends that are current in contracting and real estate which long-term homeowners may find tiresome as they drive around and find matching styles in every neighborhood they visit. Or they may feel discouraged in a few years when a new style comes into consideration or when they see homes that are closer to what they imagined. Prebuilt homes also tend to be secluded to specific neighborhoods or areas, which can prove difficult for those looking for the perfect location for their new home. Moneycrashers.com argues that prebuilt homes still need patience, which homeowners often forget. “Even the most basic, stock-built homes take three to six months to finish, while custom homes can take up to 8 months or longer if you run into problems.”
Gerard Construction is excited to partner with future homeowners, especially for the most custom of builds where we can see their fingerprints and footprints over the entire process. To learn more about what we offer, from financing advice to final details, contact us today.